Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wearing shoes for the first time

I went for a walk with Dad and Mum the other day, I wore my shoes for the first time.
These are Mum's first-time shoes. My grand mother kept them for me.
I can't wait walking by myself with my shoes!!

Sunday, September 22, 2013


I don't know how many times I get told off by Mum in a day lately.


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Tojoko Omocha Okoku

I went to Tojoko Omocha Okoku with Mum, her friend and her daughter Akari.
Tojoko is the name of the place and Omocha Okoku means amusement park with the attractions and lots of toys.
We rode the Ferris wheel, the train, the merry-go-round and the tea cup, I was a bit scared of the merry-go-round but really enjoyed others.
I also had fun to play with lots of toys with my friend Akari.

I'd like to go back with my dad next time!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

This is the way I wake up in the morning

When I wake up in the morning, Mum brings me to the lounge and I always have relaxing time watching TV and waiting for my breakfast.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

My album

My grandma ordered my album and Mum started to put photos of mine.
She said this album will have the photos of my first year.
I'm looking forward to seeing it when it's completed.



Monday, September 9, 2013

Fruit Flower Park

I went to Fruit Flower Park with my grandparents and Mum.

We watched the Monkey show, it was very loud so my grandma was closing my ears and Mum thought I wouldn't like it.
I got a fright at first but I enjoyed watching the monkey and after for a while I fell asleep as I was so tired.
Mum said that she couldn't believe that I was sleeping in the loud surroundings.

There was a horse waiting for someone to ride, she was so calm and let me touch her.
Her hair was so soft and body was warm.
I rode on a merry-go-round with my granddad and Mum, it was so fun!!